Three former ex-gay leaders in Australia add their names to
the Apology from Former Ex-Gay Leaders in the U.S. and U.K.

Three former ex-gay leaders in Australia add their names to
the Apology from Former Ex-Gay Leaders in the U.S. and U.K.
August 16, 2007

Vonnie Pitts
Wendy Lawson

Kim Brett
Anthony Venn-Brown
On June 27, 2007, bXg and Soulforce brought together former Exodus leaders from the US and UK ito issue a public apology for their prior involvement in providing and promoting ex-gay conversion therapy. As part of their apology, Darlene Bogle, Michael Bussee, and Jeremy Marks appealed to other former ex-gay leaders to join the healing and reconciliation process by adding their names to the apology.
Inspired by this historic statement, former ex-gay leaders in Australia have come forward to add their voices to this public apology. They confirm with their American and British counterparts that ex-gay ministries have caused more harm than good. Vonnie Pitts (Veronica Canning), Wendy Lawson, and Kim Brett were once leaders of the ex-gay movement in Australia. Today they say that attempts to change and suppress sexual orientation are unhealthy and unnecessary. They affirm it is possible to be gay and Christian, and they stand up as a witness and warning about the harm that can come from pursuing ex-gay conversion therapy in its various forms.
See the text of the original apology letter
Full statements from former ex-gay leaders in Australia
Vonnie Pitts (Veronica Canning)
Press and information contact
e-mail: anthony (at) anthonyvennbrown (dot) com
Having attended Australia's first ex-gay program back in 1972, Anthony Venn-Brown spent the next 22 years attempting to suppress and change his sexuality. During that time he married and became a national Christian leader in Australia through the Assemblies of God Church. Venn-Brown eventually came to accept that the ex-gay process actually created trauma not freedom. He shares his story in the recently published book, A Life of Unlearning—A Journey to Find the Truth (New Holland Publishers) and will share some of his story on 60 Minutes in Australia on Sunday August 19, 2007.
Full statements from leaders in the UK and the United States