Beyondexgay.com is not affiliated with any of the following books or websites. We list them only as potential resources, and the contents do not necessarily reflect the views of Beyond Ex-gay.
Web Links
ReligiousTolerance.org's Introduction to Reparative and Similar Therapies
Offers a balanced, thoughtful look at the sorts of therapies and philosophies used by those trying to change GLBT people.
Religious Tolerance page of statements by professional organizations about Reparative Therapy.
Box Turtle Bulletin
Provides reliable information backed by the best available evidence with the hope to dispel some of the false information that is out there, and clearly show where it came from.
Ex-Gay Nomad
An ongoing study of Christianity & Homosexuality with particular emphasis on the Ex-Gay Movement.
Looking for helpful information about the Bible and Homosexuality, an affirming church and a way to connect with LGBT Christians? Truthsetsfree.net is an inclusive, ecumenical Christian outreach to GLBTQ Christians, friends, and family.
A UK-based LGBT-affirming ministry that provides support and on-line resources.
Brian Mahieu On Being Authentic
A survivor's story with original artwork.
Jeff's Journey
The story and writings of a Jeffrey G. Ford, MA, Licensed Psychologist, an ex-gay survivor and former ex-gay leader.
In his personal web site ex-gay survivor, Barry James Moore, writes about his journey, his faith and provides useful links to fellow survivors.
Ex-Gay Watch
A web blog that provides analysis of all things ex-gay.
Truth Wins Out
A non-profit think tank and educational organization that counters right wing disinformation campaigns, debunks the “ex-gay” myth, and provides accurate information about the lives of LGBT people.
Ex-Gay Ministries Information
Loads of links to web pages and articles about the Ex-Gay movement.
The Gay Christian Network
A nonprofit ministry and on-line community serving Christians who happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
Frum Gay Jews
A community for frum (religious observant) gay Jews. Check out their Q&A page on whether one can be gay and frum.
The Gay Orthodox Underground (Moment magazine article)
With support groups proliferating and a new film documenting their hardships, observant homosexuals are sending a simple message: It's OK to be Orthodox and gay.
Evangelicals Concerned International
Provides loads of on-line resources including article and links as well as regular local, regional and national gatherings on the East Coast. Also check out Evangelicals Concerned (EC) which holds an annual conference on the West Coast.
Gay Christian Survival Group
An online outreach of King James Bible Ministry, is a Conservative Fundamentalist Christian minister's pro-gay study on the issue of homosexuality.
Gay Christianity 101
A fellowship of Bible believing, gay and lesbian Christians on the journey of life together. Great articles and resources about the Bible for LGBT Christians.
Daily devotions, articles about homosexuality and the Bible, Gay Christian pride store and chat rooms.
Christian Lesbians
Provides inspiring coming OUT stories, a chat room, a daily devotional and many essays, including the insightful, "A Response to Ex-Gay Ministries."
Provides up to date, accurate information for LGBT Orthodox Jews.
A social support group made up of frum/formerly frum gay, bi, trans and lesbian Jews age 17-30.
Salaam Canada
A website for the Queer Muslim community in Toronto.
Huriyah Magazine
A Queer Muslim magazine.
A social support group for LGBT Muslims, their family, friends, supporters and and those questioning their sexuality or gender identity.
People with a History
An On-line Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans History.
Spiritual Fruits
Provides visitors with easy to read Bible commentary about LGBT issues.
Features articles and podcast about Queer spirituality, the ex-gay movement and related issues.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Youth in the Crosshairs: The Third Wave of ex-gay Activism
A report on ex-gays and youth.
The Straight Spouse Network
An international organization that provides personal, confidential support and information to heterosexual spouses/partners, current or former, of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender mates and mixed-orientation couples for constructively resolving coming-out problems.
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
A Twelve Step - Twelve Tradition oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous.
Dos Equis
A Spanish-language blog for LGBT Christians and ex-gay survivors.
Baptist Are Saving Homosexuals a fun and funny parody about an ex-gay program brought to you by Betty Bowers.
Fish Can't Fly
Conversations about God and Struggling to Be Gay—A film that features ex-gay survivors telling their stories.
Trembling Before G_D
This film portrays a group of people who face a profound dilemma—how to reconcile their passionate love of Judaism and the Divine with the drastic Biblical prohibitions that forbid homosexuality.
One Nation Under God
Although produced in 1993, much of the information in this documentary about the ex-gay movement is still relevant and revealing.
God and Gays—Bridging the Gap
This video explores the religious struggle reconciling sexuality and spirituality. It gets into the head, heart and lives of the people who have found homosexuality and the Bible as their self-defining work. This film features ex-gay survivors including former Exodus leader, Darlene Bogle.
But I'm a Cheerleader
Gives a comic, bittersweet look at a residential ex-gay program for teens.
Save Me
A sex and drug addicted young man who is forced into a Christian-run ministry in an attempt to cure him of his "gay affliction", where instead he is faced with the truth in his heart and spirit.
Latter Days
A promiscuous gay party animal falls for a young Mormon missionary, leading to crisis, cliché, and catastrophe, including ex-gay therapy for the Mormon.
The documentary film, For the Bible Tells Me So, presents religious experts as well as those directly affected by homophobia in the church and the world. The film showed at the 2007 Sundance Festival and should be available for distribution later in the year.
For Such a Time as This (to be released in 2008) Filmmaker Lisa Darden interviews virtually everyone in the ex-gay and ex-ex-gay world. Her film promises to offer a broad spectrum of perspectives.
This is What Love in Action Looks Like (to be released 2007) In the summer of 2005 a 16yo Memphis, TN wrote on his MySpace blog about his parents sending him to a "Fundamentalist Christian" program that strives to turn gay teens straight. This documentary follows the inspirational story of this teens local community standing up for their friend with daily protests at the facility in what would become an international news story.
Straight to Jesus—Sexual and Christian Conversions in the Ex-Gay Movement
In this fascinating study of the transnational ex-gay movement, Tanya Erzen focuses on the everyday lives of men and women at New Hope Ministry, a residential ex-gay program, over the course of several years.
Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay and Christian in America
In this moving, best-selling autobiography, Mel White (a former ghostwriter for folks like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson) comes out of the closet to give hope to other gay and lesbian Christians.
Anything But Straight—Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Movement
Nationally known activist Wayne Besen spent four years examining the phenomenon of “ex-gay” ministries and reparative therapies—interviewing leaders, attending conferences, and visiting ministries undercover as he accumulated hundreds of hours of research. (from The Haworth Press)
A Christian Lesbian Journey—A Continuation of a Long Road to Love
An autobiographic faith journey of a lesbian couple as they deal with breast cancer and their God given sexual orientation. Darlene Bogle was a former leader in the ex-gay movement and her journey into truth will move you deeply. OutNow Magazine says, "Through words and photographs, the author resumes the story she started telling in her 1985 debut. Much of the material is related with such loving grace that even readers who aren’t devout will find something to relate to."
Coming Out Spiritually—The Next Step
Christian de la Huerta offers a fresh outlook on gay spirituality and how to assert it, and thereby gives queer readers a foundation from which to begin building a spiritual life.
"The book by Jack Rogers Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality: Explode the Myths, Heal the Church was a blessing cause it was not written by someone who was gay which I felt could lead to bias." Submitted by bXg member, Jeff
Leaving the Fold
Marlene Winell, Ph.D looks at the impact of fundamentalist religion and provides thoughtful insight into overcoming spiritual abuse.
The Best Little Boy in the World by Andrew Tobias. bXg member Joel says, "The first guy I dated after I quit therapy and came out to myself got me the book when he saw how much trouble I was still having with accepting myself as gay. I grew a lot during those brief months, and that book serves as a reminder to me of how difficult it is to reject what one has been taught all one's life."
Glad Day Daily Affirmations—Daily Meditations For Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, And Transgender People
Each day John Larkin features a very short meditation: about two paragraphs, which gives insight on what it means to be a G/L/T/B person in today's world (from Gay and Lesbian Book Reviews).
Coming Out Everyday—A Gay, Bisexual, and Questioning Man's Guide
Dr. (Brett K) Johnson has put together a great book from start to finish. Not just a book of advice, this book makes you look at your life and do a personal inventory. (from Gay and Lesbian Book Reviews)
Outing Yourself: How to Come Out as Lesbian or Gay to Your Family, Friends, and Coworkers
Michelangelo Signorile offers structure, guidance, and straightforward advice to all those who are struggling with their sexuality and unsure what to do as well as those who have accepted that they are gay but are still afraid to come out. (from Gay and Lesbian Book Reviews)
My Husband is Gay—A Woman's Survival Guide
Carol Grever and her husband, Jim, were high school sweethearts who married in their early twenties. Thirty years and two children later, Jim announced to his wife that he was homosexual (from Gay and Lesbian Book Reviews).
The Other Side of the Closet: The Coming-Out Crisis for Straight Spouses and Families
Amity Pierce Buxton offers a deep and compassionate resource for straight spouses and their families.
Sexual Orientation and Mental Health--Examining Identity and Development in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual People
Expert contributors explore the impressive body of rigorous empirical research on mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual people that has emerged over the past decade. Edited by Allen M. Omoto, PhD and Howard S. Kurtzman, PhD.
Lesbian and Bisexual Women's Mental Health
This essential guide presents up-to-date, evidence-based information that can be implemented to improve mental health services for lesbian and bisexual women in a variety of settings (from Gay and Lesbian Book Reviews).
Pink Therapy (by Dominic Davies)
This is the first British guide for counsellors and therapists working with people who are lesbian, gay or bisexual. It provides a much needed overview of lesbian, gay and bisexual psychology, and examines some of the differences between lesbians, gays and bisexuals, and heterosexuals. Pink Therapy proposes a model of gay affirmative therapy, which challenges the prevailing pathologizing models (from Gay and Lesbian Book Reviews).
Music and Theater
Singer/songwriter Levi Kreis survived the ex-gay experiences and sings about it and more in his album, The Gospel According to Levi.
Lesbian, Christian and a singer/songwriter, Marsha Stevens-Pino travels widely sharing her music and her life.
Ex-gay survivor Jallen Rix has done many things with his life since coming out, including writing about his experience and creating some wonderful music
Gay Mormon dad, Steven Fales share his journey from sexual regression, through gay hell and to personal health in his one-man play Confessions of a Mormon Boy.
The Big Voice—God or Ethel Merman "is unconventional and perhaps unlikely, but this story of a mismatched couple, musical comedy-style, is funny, touching and warmly endearing."—Variety. A musical comedy written by ex-gay survivor Steve Schalchlin and his partner Jim Brochu.
In his one person play, Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House, Peterson Toscano gives a comic tour of a Christian residential program that seeks to straighten out gays and lesbian